Take Someone Home To Meet The Fam @ Club NL
14 Dec 2019 / 08:00 PM
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Looking for a special someone to take home to the family? Cold this winter? Find someone to make the most of the festive season with, and why not the rest of your life!
At one of our favourite venues, come meet other like minded people! Seasonal drinks, tasty bites, eligible singles, and a lot of surprises to kick start the holiday on a high note!
Late Tickets are 20 Euro and include a welcome drink on us.
Looking for a special someone to take home to the family? Cold this winter? Find someone to make the most of the festive season with, and why not the rest of your life!
At one of our favourite venues, come meet other like minded people! Seasonal drinks, tasty bites, eligible singles, and a lot of surprises to kick start the holiday on a high note!
Late Tickets are 20 Euro and include a welcome drink on us.
Location: Club NL
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 169
Nieuwezijds Voorburgwal 169
Postcode: 1012 RK